august 7, 2022

How Tamanu Oil Can Benefit Your Hair And Scalp

Beautiful hair can be achieved with a hair care routine supercharged by effective ingredients. Tamanu Oil is a potent essential oil that delivers a broad spectrum of efficacies which can help combat several types of hair stressors and promote optimal hair growth.

What Is Tamanu Oil? 

Originating from the Callophyllum Inophyllum, also known as the Tamanu Nut Tree, Tamanu Oil is pressed and extracted from the fruit kernels of the evergreen plant. The essential oil has a rich history and can be traced back to several centuries ago, where it was widely used in certain Asian and African regions. Known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties, Tamanu Oil was used medicinally to soothe scraps, cuts, burns and insect stings. Today, Tamanu Oil is a staple in many people’s beauty routine as it delivers a multitude of benefits when applied topically to the skin, body, scalp and hair. 

We exfoliate our body and face, so why not our scalp?

Benefits Of Tamanu Oil For Your Hair And Scalp

Nourishing & Moisturizing 

Tamanu Oil is a cult-favourite amongst people who desire healthy and luscious locks. High in fat content, Tamanu Oil is a potent nourishing compound that hydrates the hair and improves overall scalp health. People with dry hair or flaky scalp may include products formulated with this ingredient to supercharge their beauty routine as the essential oil can help them achieve stronger hair growth and vitality. Particularly during cold weathers where low humidity can potentially dry out the hair, switching out your regular regimen for products with Tamanu Oil will be especially beneficial. 


Known for its anti-inflammatory property, Tamanu Oil helps to soothe and repair the scalp while minimizing symptoms of irritation such as itchiness, redness and dryness. If you experience itchy scalp or have dandruff, incorporating Tamanu Oil in your hair care steps can help to combat these unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the essential oil is an effective defence against fungal infections on the scalp therefore, maintaining your hair and scalp at optimal health. 

Combat Hair Loss 

Strengthening the health of your scalp and hair with Tamanu Oil can reduce and prevent hair loss as well. With a stronger scalp and hair follicles, hair growth will be promoted and strands are less likely to fall out. If you struggle with thinning hair, consider adding this ingredient to your daily routine to address hair loss concerns.

Look out for products formulated with Tamanu Oil to strengthen your scalp and achieve a beautiful natural sheen for your hair.